What does mold remediation involve?

Mold Remediation is the term used to describe all processes involved in removing harmful mold growth. Includes mold testing, removal, demolition, disinfection, containment and mold cleaning, depending on type and location. Mold Remediation is generally considered successful if there is no visible mold left and if there is no moldy smell. Active mold that remains under encapsulated areas can regrow, so it's important to remove all mold before painting or bleaching.

This is the first step of corrective action. If your home or business has recently suffered water damage, but there is no visible mold growth, we can apply an antimicrobial agent that will prevent mold growth from occurring until the wet area dries out. Antimicrobials can also kill existing mold spores if they are present. What is mold remediation? Think of it as extreme cleaning down to the microscopic level.

In more serious cases, the cleaning process involves removing part of a wall, floor or structure. That's why you need to hire a professional. Depending on your company and the specifics of a mold problem, additional testing may be performed by an environmental testing company after cleaning to verify that all mold has been removed. Since microscopic mold spores naturally exist almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors, it is impossible to remove all mold from a home or business.

Each mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the overall mold remediation process remains the same. We have created a DIY Mold Removal eBook so that everyone can easily learn how to identify and address mold in their home before consulting with a professional. So what exactly happens when a mold remediation company shows up at your home to remove mold from your home and how should you prepare? Removing and remediating mold will always involve cleaning up existing mold and avoiding exposure to self and homeowners, as well as avoiding new growths by addressing the moisture source. The first step in the mold remediation process will be to conduct a thorough inspection of the affected area to determine how big the problem actually is.

Mold professionals are qualified and licensed dealers, just like a plumber or electrician, so you can expect to pay more for a mold company than for a normal maintenance staff. The mold removal company should spray well beyond the moldy area to ensure that no more mold grows. If there is visible mold in your home, it often means that there is also hidden mold, such as under carpets and behind drywall. The mold removal company will park a truck as close to the door as possible, place plastic sheeting, and run hoses through the house to the mold area.

Chad Hobock
Chad Hobock

Devoted tea geek. Proud bacon enthusiast. Subtly charming twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble internet advocate. Certified beer advocate.