Can you get rid of mold permanently?

Humidity levels should never exceed 50% to control mold growth. This means that prevention is the only permanent remedy for mold. Vinegar is a safe and very effective way to remove and prevent mold on all types of walls, porous or not. Studies have shown that white vinegar kills 82 percent of mold spores.

It reportedly penetrates porous materials and kills mold on the roots (. Eliminating the cause of the problem rather than the problem itself is the only real solution to permanently remove mold. Vinegar is a bold mold killer. According to ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning, the mild acid in vinegar kills about 82% of known molds and may help prevent future breakouts.

It can grow on any substance (on wood, paper, carpet and food) and there is no practical way to remove all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. We recommend that you contact a mold removal professional to remove mold in your home safely and effectively. But what if it's a large area of mold growth? Or maybe natural mold removers don't get rid of mold enough? In this case, you may want to use a stronger chemical cleaner. Mold on the outside of the house is not only unsightly, but it can also migrate inside and cause further damage.

Adapt your scouring pad to the size of the area: a large brush for wider areas or a toothbrush for smaller corners to remove mold from the grout. The best option for your situation will depend on the type of mold you are on, the surface you are on, and the extent to which it has spread. While spotting mold may cause your cleaning rules to be questioned, remember that the presence of mold spores is unavoidable anywhere with the possibility of humid conditions and which, of course, can occur in rooms throughout the house that are used daily, such as the kitchen and bathroom, as well as in areas that rarely visited, such as the basement and attic. Since mold can live deep in the pores of wood, you may have to sand a lot to completely remove it.

On porous walls made of materials such as cement, concrete or stone, mold does not just grow on the surface. In addition, its effervescent properties make it more effective than bleach at removing mold on porous surfaces. Mold in the basement can be persistent, given the nature of basements: they tend to be much more humid than levels above ground and usually have poor ventilation and little airflow, a combination that can cause mold to bloom. If it still doesn't work, you can use a specially formulated mold remover and mix it with the bleach solution.

The most effective way to prevent mold and mildew from growing on walls is to control the humidity in your property. So, if you have a mold problem on a porous (unsealed) wall, the most effective solution is a combination of hydrogen peroxide and distilled white vinegar.

Chad Hobock
Chad Hobock

Devoted tea geek. Proud bacon enthusiast. Subtly charming twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble internet advocate. Certified beer advocate.